An app based on indexedDB which is used for merchant to record orders, customers with their pre-paid money and calculate benefit and balance.

Prepare a "coat" for other programs which user can use a time-limited key to log in. User's machine is bound. Supervisor have has his own interface.
Use SHA-256 encrytion, http request, Multi-processes communication(Shared Memory, Message Pipe), Multithread, WinAPI.
QtC++, Springboot, Vue.js, Python, Mysql.

The personal webpage in my github io (

A game I designed in primary school inspired by Dungeon Dice Monsters which can be played by 2 players.
Player use three dice to obtain different commands and use these commands to control monsters on the panel. The panel will be projected onto the large battlefield between two players.

A very simple unity escaping room game which is used to do presentation in class. The model inside is built by myself in MagicaVoxel(a really interesting pixel model app).

Spy Hunter is a classic 1983 vehicular combat arcade game where you play as a spy behind the wheels of an armed sports car.
Player control the car. There are normal cars which can be attacked but shouldn't be attacked. There are enemies can be attacked. There are enemies can attack player.

A sokoban game remake with SDL2. Simulated the lifecycle running process of a game engine.